Just as our oceans need diversity to function and thrive, so does the field of science.

I want to share my journey as a Ph.D. Student and Black Ecologist in hopes that it will inspire all to continue their lifelong quests with great tenacity and bravery. Additionally, I hope to shed light and educate others on the importance of preserving our oceans through my doctoral research.


I am Joyah Alise Watkins, a Ph.D. student at Rice University (Department: Biosciences). My research interests lie at the intersection of virus-host interactions and coral reef virology. More specifically, I am interested in how climate change influences viral dynamics and host interactions within coral reef ecosystems.

Olas de Cambio Workshop!

I’m excited to announce that I received funding to design and organize a FREE, 6-day summer workshop for undergraduate students at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. I am partnering with local organizations in Puerto Rico to train students in coral reef conservation research, bioinformatics, and Participatory Action Research (PAR). This summer is going to be awesome!

Up next…Puerto Rico!


Workshop on Genomics 2023

#marineviruses #bioinformatics #BlackinVirology #CzechRepublic

I had the wonderful opportunity to travel and attend a two-week workshop (titled: Workshop on Genomics 2023) in the Czech Republic!

Coral Spawning in French Polynesia 2022

I conducted an experiment in Moorea, French Polynesia, identifying viruses in the early developing stages of coral larvae. I am pictured here with my lab mates.

(left to right: Carly Karrick, Taylor Walker, Kara Titus, Dr. Alex Veglia, me).


Learn more about my work and Ph.D. journey via social media!

Instagram: @joyahalise

Mayagüez, Puerto Rico