Just as our oceans need diversity to function and thrive, so does the field of science.

I want to share my journey as a Ph.D. Student and Black Ecologist in hopes that it will inspire all to continue their lifelong quests with great tenacity and bravery. Additionally, I hope to shed light and educate others on the importance of preserving our oceans through my doctoral research.


I am Joyah Alise Watkins, a Ph.D. student at Rice University (Department: Biosciences). My research interests lie at the intersection of virus-host interactions and coral reef virology. More specifically, I am interested in how climate change influences viral dynamics and host interactions within coral reef ecosystems.

Up next…Puerto Rico!


Workshop on Genomics 2023

#marineviruses #bioinformatics #BlackinVirology #CzechRepublic

I had the wonderful opportunity to travel and attend a two-week workshop (titled: Workshop on Genomics 2023) in the Czech Republic!

Coral Spawning in French Polynesia 2022

I conducted an experiment in Moorea, French Polynesia, identifying viruses in the early developing stages of coral larvae. I am pictured here with my lab mates.

(left to right: Carly Karrick, Taylor Walker, Kara Titus, Dr. Alex Veglia, me).


Learn more about my work and Ph.D. journey via social media!

Instagram: @joyahalise

Mayagüez, Puerto Rico